Southaven PD will host an ALS Less-Lethal Instructor Course during April 1-4, 2013. Flyer and registration forms are attached. Contact Wayne Perkins at 901-258-7979 or ALS at 870-445-6191 for additional questions.

Less-Lethal Munitions Instructor (4 days; $795)
April 1-4, 2013
Hosted By: Southaven Police Department [Southaven, MS]
Contact: Wayne Perkins @ 901.258.7979

Overview: Less lethal munitions have been available to American law enforcement agencies for over 40 years. With the advent of research-supported training, these specialty rounds have gained a broader acceptance in patrol, tactical, and correctional settings. This instructor level course covers the full family of A.L.S. munitions including impact munitions, chemical agents, distraction devices, and stun munitions. This course will prepare the instructor to train end users in the deployment and use of kinetic energy impact projectiles, ballistic breaching, chemical agents, and noise/flash diversionary devices (NFDD’s).

Concepts and Skills:
• Historyof Less Lethal Rounds
• 12 gauge, 37 mm & 40 mm Launchers
• Technological Advancements
• Research & Trauma • Range Safety
• Use of Force & Reporting Procedures
• Sample Policy & Procedures
• Instructional Techniques
• Legal Issues • Direct & Indirect Impact Munitions
• Chemical Agents
• Diversionary Devices
• Stun Munitions
• Deploying Munitions
• Ballistic Breaching

Personal Equipment Required:
• Pen and Pocket Notebook
• Body armor
• Nomex or Kevlar gloves
• Ear and Eye protection • Ball cap or cap with brim
• 12 gauge shotgun (cylinder bore)
• Gas mask w/approved filter • Contact lenses case and eyeglasses (if applicable)
• 37/40mm launcher
(if avail)

Additional Information:
There are no prerequisites for this course. It is recommended that participants have a reasonable background in their particular law enforcement or corrections discipline. It is also recommended that participants have completed an instructor development training program approved by their agency